I have recently discovered the most amazing website I have ever used! This website is Listia... and I have been using it for about a month now and I am addicted! You can think of it as Ebay... only you barter with credits (points), although some people do ask shipping fees). You sign up and begin with 500 credits and you can take surveys, download apps, and auction off your own items to gain more and more credits. Then, once you have credits, you look for things to place bids on. This site has everything! Of course, there are rules and some people try to scam new users. But, if you're careful and follow the rules, you will find out just how much this site can help you out!! I personally have auctioned off 29 items to other users and currently have 13 open auctions. The more you sell, the higher ratings you achieve (the users you sell to and buy from give you ratings of positive, neutral, or negative and can leave comments). If you want to try it out, use my personal sign-up link https://www.listia.com/signup/3208538 and you will receive an extra 100 credits for using my link :) Our own Amber has started using it after I told her how much I love it and I believe she currently has some awesome auctions live as well. So if you want free stuff and would also like to get rid of some of your old or unused things as well, join Listia!! Here I the official Listia getting started video... check it out! http://www.listia.com/get_started_video
Your DIY Diva ~ Cortney
Hope you at least check out the video!! This site is totally worth the time you put into it, because you can get nice new items for nothing, really!! And if you choose to join and have a smart phone, I highly suggest downloading the app! It makes it so much easier to list auction and upload photos to those auctions!!